The present management

The setting up of a single Franco-Italian structure for the management of the new Mont Blanc Tunnel was one of the main safety presuppositions in the programme of restoration and modernization.

The Gruppo Europeo di Interesse Economico del Traforo del Monte Bianco (GEIE-TMB) is a legal entity under European Union law 3 set up on 18 May 2000 at the initiative of the two concessionary Companies for building and operating the Tunnel, the French ATMB (Autoroutes et Tunnel du Mont Blanc s.a.) and the Italian SITMB (Società Italiana per Azioni per il Traforo del Monte Bianco), for the purpose of ensuring the unitary maintenance and management of the Tunnel, in compliance with the agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Italian Republic, that was formalized by an exchange of letters signed in Paris and Rome on 14 April 2000. The GEIE-TMB has been entered on the Aosta Register of Companies, has its head office in Courmayeur, at the Italian tunnel entrance apron, and has an established organization on French soil.

After the fire of 24 March 1999, during the tunnel restoration and modernization works, the GEIE-TMB carried out coordination and control activities, in order to ensure the complete unitarity of the work carried out, with particular regard to the installation and operation of the safety systems. In the months preceding the reopening to traffic, it had the task of organizing and training the operational staff, among other things through suitable management “trial runs”. Since 9 March 2002 it has been responsible for all activities connected with the operational management of the Tunnel and the two heavy vehicle traffic regulation areas situated in Aosta (I) and Passy-Le Fayet (F), it has been collecting the tolls, has been involved in all projects relating to safety, and has been the contract awarder for all the maintenance works, major repairs and improvements relating to the infrastructure and technical equipping of the tunnel.

3 The GEIE is a body governed by Regulation 2137/85 of the Council of European Communities, of 25 July 1985, as incorporated into French law (first ch. of L. 89-377 of 13 June 1989) and Italian law (D.Lgs. 23 July 1991, n. 240).